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Orbit's Lair

You step in a cave that has been rumored to hold many secrets. The cave dwells on others to enter and give them the chance to see what's in your hands. You may consider yourself unlucky. Or perhaps the opposite. What destiny fades upon you. There is a pearl in the center that can grant you an amount of Flitters specifically to match the value of your luck each time.

A mixed result from using the pearl several times shows your luck is disarranged. Only the luckiest ones will get a Ribina vessel.
Will you dare to use the pearl and test your luck? Or will you fall beneath the lairs and remain unfortunate?

Orbit's Pearl Grants
Receive 100 Flitters - 1000 Flitters in 100 Flitters increments.
You can receive 100 Flitters all the way up to 1000 Flitters Flitters
There is a rare chance to receive a Ribina Vessel of any rarity.
You must be logged in to visit the Orbit's Lair.
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Recent Offerings...

Feb 7, 2025
Jellyfish sways to the rhythm of some music she hears within the Evoca shoal, humming to tune she finds a pretty seashell. Deciding that the seashell would be a wonderful gift to the pearl, she heads towards the pearl, still swaying to the rhythm of the music, after all her father is the CEO of Party City, how can she not? Making her way to the pearl, she gently places the seashell down before the pearl to await her luck.
Dec 22, 2024
Marina cautiously approaches the pearl, her big blue and green eyes scanning the cave for any signs of danger. She pads softly on her four legs, her tail twitching with excitement and a hint of curiosity. As she draws closer to the pearl, Marina's face perks up, and she lets out a soft mew, as if sensing the magic that surrounds the glowing orb. With a gentle paw, Marina reaches out to touch the pearl, her whiskers quivering with anticipation. She pauses for a moment, as if weighing her options, before slowly wrapping her claws around the pearl, and lifting it up to the dim light of the cave, revealing the sparkling treasure within.
Dec 1, 2024
The female ribina struts up to the pearl, with not a care in the world about this strange object before her. She gives it a soft smack and another smack, then walks away without worrying about what will come with such actions.
Nov 10, 2024
Jolly woke up to the lovely sounds of silence, for it appeared to be snowing outside. Happy with the lovely weather, he strolls around in snow. He stood still for a moment thinking when he got the idea that it's a perfect day to visit the pearl. Scooping up a snowball he brings it to the pearl as an offering. Oh boy, how excited he is to see what he gets in return.
Nov 1, 2024
Minako after experiencing Envis's Reign, all she wanted was a break. Tired from experiencing dangerous situation wanted to visit the pearl to relax. She goes to visit the pearl and pay her respects, the pearl notices her efforts to protect the Ribina's from evil and decided to grant her a will gift for her effort. The pearl shine a vibrant light and in that moment decends her gift before her paws.
Oct 20, 2024
The small female ribina makes her way up to the pearl, not worrying about this strange object before her. With no fear, she gives it a tap then walks away and sits in the far distance curious on what would happen.
Oct 7, 2024
Lilith decided to head back to the pearl after hearing its fortune. She approached the pearl with a small baggie of some rocks and gems she found. It was a nice walk but a long one for her short legs.
Oct 6, 2024
Aurora slowly made her way into the lair with her small sache full of flitters, she hummed in thought as she sat down. She opened her sache and pulled out the required flitters needed and spoke. "I hereby offer you my flitters as a gift for thow, I hope you enjoy it"
Sep 18, 2024
Jupiter decided to be the one to go to the pearl again. taking some offerings and going on a nice walk along to get to the pearl to make the offering. He wished the pearl well and hoped it was liking the offerings everyone seemed to be giving it.
Sep 15, 2024
Sir Pent heard of Lumi's experience when visiting the pearl. Apparently his visit to the pearl was more successful than he thought. His friend Lumi came to show what the pearl gave him as a reward. Sir Pent intrigued went to go find an offering for the pearl, during his walk around the nearby forest he found a stone. He decided to carve a beautiful painting on it. He stood before the pearl with his gift, laying it down before the pearl he took a step back to await his fortune.
Sep 9, 2024
The two headed larsuku decided they wanted to visit the orbit pearl after hearing many of the other ribinas talk about it in awe from it giving them different fortunes. One of the heads was more cautious trying to keep the other further back as the second head dropped off some offerings while waiting for their fortune,
Sep 7, 2024
Lumi runs through the grass, feeling the wind comb through his fur. He felt it, that today was going to be a good day. Picking up a few berries from a nearby bush he heads his way over to the Orbit Pearl's Lair. Once he reached his destination he places the berries down to await the Pearl's response.
Sep 1, 2024
After having gone once before, the female larsuku was not as nervous this time. She slowly made her way towards the glowing object and once again placed flitters before it and backed away awaiting its response.
Aug 31, 2024
Drip,Drop. At the sounds of the rain, Juvia awakens from her slumber on a rock in the middle of Evoca shaol waters. She looks up into the sky enjoying the feeling of raindrops fall onto her fur. Today seemed like a good day to visit the pearl, she thought. Shaking the water off her fur, she gets up and stretches, making her way into the water. Reaching land, she searches for an offering, there she sees it, a stick that's perfectly shaped like a sword! happy with her find she walks with a prep in her step towards the pearl. Once reaching the cave she walks in and makes it infont of the pearl. She plops down her offering, awaiting the response of the pearl towards her gift.
Aug 31, 2024
Piper decided to go and visit the pearl, she walked slowly. She was a bit unsteady at times on uneven ground after all. Still getting use to a new prosthetic she got. She dropped the gifts she brought to the pearl carefully and neatly on the ground. She hoped good fortune bestowed on her.
Aug 24, 2024
The ribina using his heightened senses due to having so eyes stumbled his way through the cave until he made it to the pearl. He gave it a tap with his nose and placed the flitters on the ground before sitting in wait of its response.
Aug 23, 2024
The small dwarf ribina decided to go once more to visit the pearl, the little spicy ribina finding some things along the way to take to the pearl. Small stones and gem along with the flitters neatly piled onto the floor while waiting for her fortune.
Aug 21, 2024
Ignis flames shined brightly as ever as she slowly arose from her slumber, opening her eyes with a mission on her mind. She is curious as to what the pearl has in store for her in terms of fortune. She gracefully walks around looking for a gift and when she spots the perfect one, she heads toward the pearl. Placing her gift that is an obsidian stone that's in the shape of a heart before the pearl.
Aug 16, 2024
Lilith a snarky personality had decided to see what she would get upon visiting the pearl and showing up with some flitters and little bloodstone rocks she found along her traveling. Placing it down and waiting to see her fortune.
Aug 14, 2024
The male ribina struts up to the pearl, not worrying about this strange object before him. He gives it a tap then walks away not worrying about what will come from it.
Aug 13, 2024
Jellyfish swims throughout the Evoca Shoal's waters wondering what she should do today. Today has been going incredibly slow, but then an idea came into her head. Why no go visit the pearl with an offering? She swims out of the waters to then walk on land. Reaching her destination where the pearl lies she's hums a beautiful tune for the pearl, hoping that she gets a wonderful gift in return.
Aug 10, 2024
Mira approached the pearl, bringing along a selection of treats as an additional offering. She sat down calmly, her gaze fixed intently on the soft, shimmering glow of the pearl. Slowly, the pearl floated over her paws, responding to her quiet, patient presence.
Aug 9, 2024
Jupiter remembered the pearl and recalled it was open once more. He decided to make his way back there to see the pearl once again and leave his own offering of shiny pearls and stones he had found on the beaches when he had decided to visit them once more. He thanked the pearl as he left down his offering to then get his own gift from the pearl.
Aug 7, 2024
Knight tentatively stepped into the layer of the Orbit Pearl, he had never been here before and was cautious of the mystical item glowing before him. The eerie blue glow cast by the pearl reflected softly in his eyes as he stepped closer. He sets a small wooden carving of Riba at the base of the pearl's stand and waits for the supposed gift the pearl was rumored to give.
Aug 6, 2024
After having gone once before, the female larsuku was not as nervous this time. She slowly made her way towards the glowing object and once again placed flitters before it and backed away awaiting its response.
Aug 5, 2024
Minako woke up one beautiful morning and decided to take a walk to visit the pearl. Sneaking out later in the day to find her offering for the pearl, she stumbles upon the most beautiful blue obsidian crystal. In the exact moment she knew what exactly she wanted to offer to the pearl. Quickly picking up the crystal she heads over in front of the pearl to place it down. She closes her eyes to wait for the pearl's response.
Aug 1, 2024
Stella decided to run off and visit the pearl herself. Visiting the pearl on her own without anyone else. She brought herself some stones and flitters to give to the pearl as she knew that she had to bring the pearl some offerings to get anything out of it. She stretched as she waited for the gift from her offering to the pearl.
Jul 29, 2024
The small young Ribina Jellyfish finds a pretty colored leaf on the ground during her walk, deciding it as a fitting gift for the pearl they continue their journey toward the Orbit's Lair. Once reaching the Lair, she heads in with confidence, she slowly puts down the leaf on the ground before the pearl. "Oh, great Pearl," Jellyfish whispered, her voice barely a ripple in the still air, "I offer you this humble gift, a token of my respect and hope." Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. She thought of her father, Pan, whose offering had been met with no better luck. Would she fare better? Slowly, She opened her eyes. The Pearl seemed to shimmer with anticipation, its surface rippling like a calm ocean. A thrill of hope surged through her.
Jul 29, 2024
Starra returned once more, carrying a bundle of Flitters for the pearl. Hoping to secure a favorable fortune, she made an extra special crystal offering. Now, she waits for a response from the pearl.
Jul 27, 2024
The female larsuku seeing a faint glow, slowly made her way towards it. Upon seeing a round floating object bathed in the glow she cautiously approached. Weary of this foreign object, she very carefully placed some flitters on the ground in front of it before backing away slightly in await of its response.
Jul 25, 2024
Jasper slowly approaches the pearl, intrigued by the soft blue glow it emits. She carefully leaves some beautiful wild flowers she collected earlier that day around the base of the pearls stand.
Jul 22, 2024
Jupiter had heard his once beloved pearl has opened once more. He stretched all six legs as he numbered up to his paws to make the trek to the cave. Upon arrival to the cave he looked up at the pearl in all it's glory and dropped the cool rocks he found as an offering to the pearl. Along with some flitters which he knew was a requirement to see what his fortune was this time.
Jul 21, 2024
Pan woke up from a nap with one thing on his mind, to find an offering for the pearl. Listening to the ocean waves swish alongside the wind, he emerges from the waters of Evoca Shoal, holding a beautiful sea shell he picked out specifically for the pearl. Now standing in front of the soft glowing of the pearl he approaches with carefulness, slowly setting down the sea shell in front of the pearl to await their response to the gift.
Jul 21, 2024
Seeker approached slowly to the wirring sound of the blue markings ledged onto the floor. They weren't exactly sure what to expect, but kept their calm demeanor as they thought about their husband.
Jul 21, 2024
Starra approaches the pearl with a curious glance, her first time in its presence. Soft chants fill the air, resonating with every breath she takes. She presents the pearl with Flitters and a special yellow pebble, awaiting the results of her fortune.