This is a visual index of all Ribina-specific traits. Click a trait to view more info on it!
Dilated Pupils (Location - 🌳)
Blue Eyes (Common - 🌀)
Brown Eyes (Common - 🌀)
Green Eyes (Common - 🌀)
Lime Eyes (Common - 🌀)
Orange Eyes (Common - 🌀)
Pink Eyes (Common - 🌀)
Purple Eyes (Common - 🌀)
Red Eyes (Common - 🌀)
Teal Eyes (Common - 🌀)
White Eyes (Common - 🌀)
Yellow Eyes (Common - 🌀)
Black Eyes (Common - 🌀)
Central Eyes (Uncommon - ✨)
Double Sectoral Eyes (Uncommon - ✨)
Glowing (Uncommon - ✨)
Heterochromia (Uncommon - ✨)
Sectoral (Uncommon - ✨)
Sparkle Eyes (Uncommon - ✨)
Colored Sclera (Uncommon - ✨)
Cloudy Eyes (Rare - 💥)
Color Changing Eyes (Rare - 💥)
Double Pupils (Rare - 💥)
Hazel Eyes (Rare - 💥)
Iridescent Eyes (Rare - 💥)
Multi-Colour Eyes (Rare - 💥)
No Pupils (Rare - 💥)
Other Shaped Pupils (Rare - 💥)
Shaped Iris (Rare - 💥)
Sunrise Eyes (Rare - 💥)
Sunset Eyes (Rare - 💥)
Void Eyes (Rare - 💥)
Butterfly Eye
Ghost Stripes
Glowing Shapes
Gradient Colors
Leg Stripes
Split Color
Translucent (Common - 🌀)
Glowing Ribbon (Uncommon - ✨)
Boa Ribbon (Rare - 💥)
Opaque (Rare - 💥)
Tattered Ribbon (Rare - 💥)
Double (Enchanted - ☄️)
Elemental Ribbon (Enchanted - ☄️)
No Headband (Enchanted - ☄️)
Normal Mane (Common - 🌀)
Extra Fur (Uncommon - ✨)
Puffy Mane (Uncommon - ✨)
Spiky Mane (Uncommon - ✨)
Cloud Mane (Rare - 💥)
Feather Mane (Rare - 💥)
Scrunchy Mane (Rare - 💥)
Covering Face (Enchanted - ☄️)
Elemental Mane (Enchanted - ☄️)
Normal Ruff (Common - 🌀)
Extra Ruff (Uncommon - ✨)
Puffy Ruff (Uncommon - ✨)
Spiky Ruff (Uncommon - ✨)
Cloud Ruff (Rare - 💥)
Feather Ruff (Rare - 💥)
Scrunchy Ruff (Rare - 💥)
Covering Body (Enchanted - ☄️)
Elemental Ruff (Enchanted - ☄️)
Furry Legs (Location - 🌳)
Leg Fins (Location - 🌳)
Webbed Paws (Location - 🌳)
Normal Paws (Common - 🌀)
Claws (Uncommon - ✨)
Big (Rare - 💥)
Furry (Rare - 💥)
Normal Tail (Common - 🌀)
Floof Tail (Uncommon - ✨)
Thin Tail (Uncommon - ✨)
Fish (Rare - 💥)
Leaf (Rare - 💥)
Serpent (Rare - 💥)
Bobbed (Enchanted - ☄️)
Elemental Tail (Enchanted - ☄️)
Small (Enchanted - ☄️)
Patches (Common - 🌀)
Piebald (Common - 🌀)
Achromia (Uncommon - ✨)
Fangs (Uncommon - ✨)
Melanism (Uncommon - ✨)
Overgrown Claws (Uncommon - ✨)
Overgrown Fur (Uncommon - ✨)
Eyeless (Rare - 💥)
Furless (Rare - 💥)
Longer Body (Rare - 💥)
Longer Neck (Rare - 💥)
Multiple Eyes (Rare - 💥)
Overgrown Tongue (Rare - 💥)
Polycaudal (Rare - 💥)
Two Headed (Rare - 💥)
Longer Tail (Rare - 💥)
Dwarfism (Enchanted - ☄️)
Maneless (Enchanted - ☄️)
Multiple Limbs (Enchanted - ☄️)
Ruffless (Enchanted - ☄️)
Missing Limb
Thin Body
Back Fins (Location - 🌳)
Shiny Coat (Location - 🌳)
Underbelly Scales (Location - 🌳)
Body Fluff (Uncommon - ✨)
Body Tassels (Uncommon - ✨)
Bone Wings (Uncommon - ✨)
Curled Tail (Uncommon - ✨)
Floating Sigils (Uncommon - ✨)
Glass Body (Uncommon - ✨)
Abnormal Fluff (Rare - 💥)
Body Halos (Rare - 💥)
Broken Halo (Rare - 💥)
Cluster Halo (Rare - 💥)
Distorted Features (Rare - 💥)
Double Halos (Rare - 💥)
Floating Objects (Rare - 💥)
Flying Sparkles (Rare - 💥)
Glitch Features (Rare - 💥)
Halo (Rare - 💥)
Horns (Curved) (Rare - 💥)
Horns (Double) (Rare - 💥)
Horns (Spiral) (Rare - 💥)
Jellyfish Features (Rare - 💥)
Magic Wisps (Rare - 💥)
Multiple Wings (Rare - 💥)
Spikes (Rare - 💥)
Split Body (Rare - 💥)
Wings (Bird) (Rare - 💥)
Wings (Demon) (Rare - 💥)
Elemental Parts (Enchanted - ☄️)
Extruding Parts (Enchanted - ☄️)
Horns (Tiny) (Enchanted - ☄️)
Normal Feline Ears (Enchanted - ☄️)
Tailless (Enchanted - ☄️)
Wings (Angel) (Enchanted - ☄️)
Wings (Fairy) (Enchanted - ☄️)
Wings (Tiny) (Enchanted - ☄️)