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Desolated Cemetery

Isis Cove

Can be home to characters.

The spooky cemetery most would avoid. It holds the treasures of the deceased. The Ribinas here are monochromatic, best against the dark earth and spirits.

When a Ribina dies, it was meant to turn into a good spirit to make its way to their new home, the cemetery. But the curse disrupted the process and now the dead spirits turned corrupted, making the cemetery dangerous to enter. The curse didn’t just cut the Ribina lives short, it also made the cemetery from a safe haven to a hazardous zone.

This is why it's called the Desolated Cemetery.


Each grave within the Cemetery holds the spirit of a Ribina who once roamed the lands. When a Ribina passes away, their spirit is interred within a grave, which is marked with special symbols that symbolize their unique identity. The symbols on the grave mark their lifespan, personality, and all other aspects of their being, essentially creating a memory wall for the deceased.

Initially, Riba created the Cemetery as a safe haven for the deceased, allowing them to rest in peace. However, the curse that Envis released turned everything upside down, transforming it into a dangerous and corrupt place.

Once peaceful spirits have become corrupted and roam about seeking vulnerabilities in other Ribinas. These spirits are visible only when light hits a certain angle at night when the moon is high, making it difficult to detect their presence. They come out day and night, lurking around the cemetery. Ribinas who call the cemetery home often disguise themselves, lurk in the shadows, and are distrustful of outsiders. Sometimes they can be shy and prefer not to interact with others even if given the chance. It remains unclear why they choose to live in this dangerous place, but it is hinted that the cemetery has been their home from the beginning, and they are unwilling to leave.

Any Ribina who enters the cemetery is likely to face harm, as the spirits are known to attack and even kill. Though Ribinas can use magic, it is powerless against these spirits, as it only works on living beings. Even those who fight back are often overpowered by the spirits. The curse that Envis placed, also granted the power for the spirits to take away their fertility for a limited time so they cannot reproduce, usually lasting ten days. There is also a risk that Ribinas may lose all their power and perish in the cemetery, becoming a corrupted spirit like the rest.

Only Ribinas have the ability to enter the cemetery due to the barrier that is enchanted with powerful magic, which can only be activated by the presence of a Ribina, spirits like Riba or Envis, and The Elder Gods. Originally, the barrier was created to protect the cemetery from chaos and maintain peace and unity within it. However, the barrier now serves to protect human lives from entering and exposing themselves to the serious danger posed by the corruption in the cemetery.

In the past, the cemetery functioned as a regular cemetery where anyone could come and pay their respects to the deceased. It was a place for Ribinas to visit and honor the graves of their loved ones and family who had passed away. However, due to the dangers posed by the corrupted spirits, no one visits the cemetery anymore. It is now a place filled with corrupted spirits that seek to bring the Ribinas to extinction.

The spirits are unable to leave the cemetery, so anyone who remains outside the cemetery is safe. However, the cemetery itself is incredibly dangerous. If the spirits manage to leave the cemetery, they would simply perish without any additional power to roam the rest of the world.

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