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Ribina Updates

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Starfruit
Ribina Updates
The breeding info has changed again. Finding a male and getting one in explore no longer is a risk, it's a guarantee if you find a Ribina and it happens to be a male. There is other info that changed too so make sure you know it first!
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A couple Items have been changed for a different function and price because of the change. Check the shops for the updated info!

Explore Items:
Mayflier [ 2 GB | 400 Flitters | $1 ] - Gives you another chance to explore in newbie or regular locations after 3x Explores already. Please know that you still have to pay the exploring fee, this is only an access pass for you to be able to explore one more time.

Breeding Items:
Ramush [ 8 GB | 1600 Flitters | $4 ] - Gives an extra 30% chance of an passable mutation to pass
Layde [ 1 GB | 200 Flitters | $3 ] - Breed the same male again with a different female on the same day.
Fleala [ 10 GB | 2000 Flitters | $5 ] - Use on a pregnant Ribina. Skips almost the whole week, leaving just one day before the Raba's birth.
Butterolls [ 5 GB | 1000 Flitters | $2.50 ] - Give this to the Breeding Male when he is out of slots, and he will make room for one more Ribina. This will only work when the Breeding male isn't already up for tempting.

The passable percentage for mutations have increased.
Click > here < for the updates



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