Ribina Rescue Logo

Design Forge

You step into a quaint shop, its shelves adorned with an array of curious items. Behind the counter stands the keeper of the Design Forge, a venerable Elder God. As you peruse the offerings, you sense the Elder God's attention turning toward you.
"Ah, greetings, traveler! Welcome to the Design Forge. Seeking to refresh your Ribinas, perhaps?" You meet the Elder God's gaze with a nod and a smile.

"Why yes, indeed. We boast a plethora of wares to give your Ribinas that desired makeover. Feel free to browse at your leisure." With that, you resume your exploration of the shop's treasures. The Elder God, observing your perusal with a knowing smile, interjects once more.
"Should you need guidance or have any questions about our offerings, do not hesitate to ask. We are here to assist you for the perfect enhancement for your Ribinas."

With a grateful nod, you acknowledge the Elder God's offer before you continue searching for the perfect item for your Ribinas.

Cost: 1500 Flitters
Cost: 1500 Flitters
Cost: 3000 Flitters
Cost: 5000 Flitters
Cost: 7000 Flitters