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Riba’s Supporter - Part 2

In book: Envis's Reign

Envis returned the next day with two more Iniqus. You lost track of time and slept through the day until he arrived.

“How was your day, fellow mortal?” he snickered.

He approached and unshackled you. You collapsed to the ground, barely able to move. Your heart raced; you were short of breath, hungry, and dehydrated.

Envis offered you a cup of water and a plate of bread.

“Eat up, because we’re going on a trip,” he announced. He walked toward the door and watched as the two Iniqus took positions beside you, scrutinizing your every move. You reached for the cup of water but hesitated, fearing it might be poisoned or drugged. You held it and stared.

Envis noticed your hesitation.

“Oh come on, it’s not poisoned. If I wanted to kill you, I’d have done it more efficiently.”

You gave Envis a wary glance before taking a sip. Your thirst drove you to drink the entire cup. You glanced at Envis once more before devouring the bread.

Envis chuckled. “Come, follow me.”

The two Iniqus urged you to go, and you followed Envis out of the cell. As you stepped outside, a cool breeze brushed against you while you passed cages filled with Ribinas—more than you remembered.

You walked toward the Vortex Heart and witnessed a chilling scene: an Iniqu was forcing a Ribina to the center of the Vortex. The Ribina’s eyes glowed red as it floated into the air. Screams filled the air as its body transformed into an Iniqu. The surrounding Iniqus howled in approval. Envis watched with a smile.

“Isn’t it delightful?” Envis said. “This is the end of the Ribinas, whether you like it or not.”

Just then, a loud scream echoed in the distance.

“What was that?” Envis asked, signaling the Iniqus to investigate. With no one watching you, the opportunity to escape had arrived.

You backed away slowly, carefully choosing your steps. Then, you turned and ran. Moments later, you heard Envis realizing his mistake and sending Iniqus after you. Knowing they would catch up soon, you desperately needed to find a hiding spot.