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Riba’s Supporter - Part 3

In book: Envis's Reign

You found a hiding spot as the Iniqus drew closer. You slipped into what appeared to be a cave just as the Iniqus came into view. Fortunately, they ran past while you remained concealed behind the walls. As you settled in, a sense of strange familiarity washed over you. You ventured deeper into the dimly lit corridors, the atmosphere growing tenser as you approached the chambers where the Mutated Ribinas were held. You had encountered them before, and your last visit hadn’t gone well.

There were now more Ribinas, and they had taken on various grotesque forms. They exhibited a range of mutations, from additional limbs to bizarre, luminescent markings.

By a table next to the glass walls, you found a notebook. Flipping through it, you saw sketches and notes detailing experimental trials aimed at enhancing the Ribinas’ capabilities and resilience. One Ribina, in particular, was highlighted as being notably successful, possessing enhanced strength and the unsettling ability to emit a disorienting pulse.

You took one last look at the Ribinas behind the glass wall and noticed another corridor. Deciding to investigate before leaving, you followed it until you reached another glass wall. On the other side, you spotted a rabbit. Then, a mutated Ribina emerged from behind a large bush. You knew what was coming next.

Suddenly, the Ribina emitted an electromagnetic pulse, instantly killing the rabbit. Stunned, you watched as the Ribina revealed itself: fangs, a distorted body and legs, long claws, and two twisted tails. It had a shadowy appearance and was about three times the size of an Iniqu. It quickly devoured the rabbit, leaving you paralyzed with shock.

Unable to comprehend the horror you’d just witnessed, you quickly retraced your steps, making your way back to the cave's entrance. You checked for any nearby Iniqus before finally escaping.