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Dareth's Cave

As you approach the heart of the Orbit's Lair, a subtle glow emanates from the center. A narrow tunnel beckons you forward, leading to a chamber filled with mysterious treasures. Positioned behind an intricately adorned table stands Dareth.

"Welcome " Dareth greets you with a knowing smile. "What brings you to this sanctum of wonders?"

Your gaze drifts to the table, where an array of artifacts and enhancements await your inspection. Dareth's keen perception instantly recognizes your interest.

"Ah, seeking to enhance your Ribina Vessels, are we?" He gestures towards the items displayed on the table. "These wares hold the power to imbue your Ribinas with new traits, should you desire them."

You scan the items on the table, your eyes tracing over the array of possibilities laid out before you. As you consider your options, Dareth watches with a patient curiosity, ready to assist should you have any questions or desires. Each item holds the potential to transform your Ribina companions into even more formidable allies on your journey through the realms of adventure and discovery.

Hydra Fruit
Cost: 1500 Panavi
Stock: 0
Max 1 per user