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Curse Unveiled - Present Day

Present Day
Step into the present moment, where October unfolds its secrets. Dive into the chaos of your own experiences as you discover what this month has in store for you.
Some days unlock the history of the past, revealing the eerie spice that flavors this month. Will you take the leap into your very own adventure?

Stories and Dates
At the stroke of 12:00 PM on the upcoming dates, prepare to embark on a brand new journey into the mystical lands of Farasea during the captivating month of October. Return during those dates as a new story awaits your presence.

As you venture forth, mysteries and wonders await, but so do the lurking dangers of this enchanting realm. Stay tuned for art prompts and enthralling stories, each unveiling a unique chapter in this extraordinary adventure.

October 1st
October 7th
October 14th
October 21st
October 28th - Full Moon
October 31st - Halloween
