In the heart of the graveyard, you discovered a crystal within an intricately engraved circle. The Ribina powered up the crystal, which projected a series of visions in the air, revealing the grim fate of the Ribinas. To your shock, it became evident that normal unbound Ribinas were being used as vessels and transformed into Iniqus. The corrupted spirits from the graveyard were harnessed to create the life force inside the Iniqus, giving them life and aggression. The visions then faded away.
Without hesitation, the Ribina dashed towards the edge of the graveyard, and you followed closely. Stepping across the border, you knew that the Ribinas were indeed in grave danger. You couldn't help but think that the female Ribina had been attempting to warn you. With a final farewell gesture, you turned back home, after spending so much time in this enigmatic world.